5 Ways To Stay Motivated To Achieve Your Goals

Motivation is one of those things that we're always looking for. There are thousands of books written about it and thousands of speeches made. But somehow we're still looking for it. 


I'm very big on finding the inner motivation that will allow you to keep going and achieving success, so I worked hard to come up with the system that allows me to always be motivated and ready to rule the world. 


And today, I wanted to share my secrets with you because I think they can help you as much as they help me to be the best version of myself. 


So, let's jump in.


5 Ways To Stay Motivated To Achieve Your Goals


#1: Kickstart your day


Planning is your best friend, trust me on this one. Plan your days in advance and get clear on what exactly you need to achieve. Don't just wake up and wait to see what happens.


This way, you're not only not going to be motivated, but you're not going to go anywhere. You need to be strategic about your time and about your days. Otherwise, you're just letting your life go past you, leaving you behind and unmotivated to do anything. 


What's great is that there are a lot of different tools that can help you plan and start your day right. Starting with different strategies like Ivy Lee method and ending with different types of planners like bullet journaling, so everyone can find a way to plan efficiently and pleasantly. 


Planning really doesn't have to be a chore. It can be a very uplifting and motivating thing to do so that when you wake up in the morning, you're excited to go and start your day. 

#2: Don't get carried away by small problems


Many people get easily demotivated when they face small problems. They get easily frustrated and can spend hours focusing on those problems and how bad they're feeling. 


That kind of attitude is not going to get you far in life, and it's not good for your mental health either. So, learn to stop paying so much attention to small problems that arise during the day and don't give them so much power over your emotions. 


Be protective over your energy; only spend it on things that matter to you, and trust me, small problems that we all face each day, are not something that matters. 


When something happens in a day that threatens to ruin your mood and the whole day, always ask yourself whether you'll remember the small issue a year from now. If the answer to this question is no, then don't let it ruin your day and keep going where you were going. 


One of the best ways to always be motivated in life is by learning to accept small problems as part of life that doesn't have any power over you. 


Trust me, I have days where everything seems to go wrong, but I don't let it affect me and take away my determination to succeed in the long run. 

#3: Surround yourself with positivity 


We are what we surround ourselves with. The people we talk to, the books we read, and the environment we put ourselves in. And you always have to try to surround yourself with positivity, as much as you can. 


Of course, we're not always in control of our environment and what people are around us, but we can do small things that improve our chances of being surrounded by positivity.


You can listen to great podcasts that make you happy, read inspiring books, and follow motivational people online to make you feel like you can do anything in the world. 


Also, you can attend events and conferences or workshops and meet people who are positive and uplifting. All these things you can do will contribute to making your environment more positive, which will help you stay motivated.  

#4: Improve your habits 


Habits are the spine of success in life. If you're struggling with feeling motivated or inspired, you should work on building habits that help you feel good and perform well. 


Always practice being mindful, so that you recognize which habits are good for you and which are not, and start working on improving yourself. 


Whether that would be eating healthier, ensuring that you're productive and energetic during the day, or doing yoga so that you feel more relaxed and happy. 


While we're all human and it's OK to have days when you're lazier than usual, and binge watch a Netflix show instead of doing something like meditating or reading, it's important to keep up the balance. 


Good, productive habits that make you a happy and efficient human being should take up more space in your life than bad habits that don't add much value to your life. 


This way, you will always be motivated and inspired to keep going because it's going to become a habit that makes you happy. 

#5: Get an accountability partner/coach/support 


There are people who need to have accountability support to help them achieve things in life, and that's OK. We're social beings who like having people around us as it makes us feel safe and happy. 


When I coach my clients who are starting their own business, I know that they need more than just knowledge - they also need a cheerleader who will remind them daily that they are capable of achieving their big dreams. Having such support daily will make you very motivated to go and achieve. 


So, if you're struggling with finding motivation, maybe it might be worth going and finding an accountability partner or a business coach who will help you move forward and cheer you along the way. 


Final thoughts

Here you have it, the top secrets that allow me to always be motivated and ready to take on the world. I hope they help you find your daily motivation as it's very important to do what makes you happy. 


Now, are you ready to start achieving big, or maybe you need an accountability coach to help you guide thought your business? Book a free discovery call with me and let's chat about you and your business!


Also, join my Business & Personal Branding Group and tell me what you do when you feel unmotivated? I want to hear from you there!

